
Ruth Bode – Visual Artist

I am a printmaker, based in Melbourne, Australia, working in my small studio to create monotype artworks. I am also an Art Educator working with young children through to adults, teaching art and encouraging students to make art.

I am inspired and motivated by nature and am fascinated with natural texture, colour, light and shapes. I love to record and collect things that resonate with my art practice while in my garden, walking in my local area or when travelling. I use these ideas in my monotypes but also enjoy using recycled materials to create line, texture, and shape. I like to explore using different materials to mask out areas on my printing plates.

My monotype artworks are hand produced without a printing press. Every print is unique as only one can be created. I print from a gelatin plate and use acrylic paints printed onto paper. They are made by layering colour, masks and textures in many pulls [or prints] in order to develop an idea. In some artworks, I add extra elements using paint, pencil, charcoal, pens and collage. Printmaking in this way allows me to create art which reflects ideas of the natural and man made world in an abstract way.

I hope you enjoy seeing how I work….I love creating these monotypes.